2. It's not Ka's fault to be a slave. You should have a correct understanding of credit cards and their use. The advantage of credit card is convenience and interest-free period. You don't need to bring cash when you use it, which is equivalent to dozens of days of interest-free loans. If you think that swiping a credit card is a drop in the sky, you are deceiving yourself, and you will always pay it back when it comes out.
I use credit cards from many different banks, which counts. First of all, live within our means, and the difficulty of repayment in the following month shall prevail. Secondly, according to the different billing dates of multiple cards, which one can enjoy the longest interest-free period-the next billing date is one month after the billing date, and the repayment date is twenty days after the next billing date, so that we can use interest-free money for forty or fifty days. There is no need to be embarrassed to spend money on "borrowing" and "lending" all year round (do you have to make a statement if you often borrow money from relatives and friends? ); As far as banks are concerned, we are completely compliant, and banks want to make money with cards, hehe. ...
I hope the above is useful to you. Use the card well!