, banks have a three-day grace period, so as long as they pay it back in time, they will not report it. If you want to check your personal credit information, you only need two steps to check it. 1. Open the browser, search the Credit Information Center of the People's Bank of China, verify the problem after registering and logging in, wait patiently for the 24-hour verification code to be issued, and enter the verification code to query your own short version of credit information, only the short version can be queried. 2. If the first way is troublesome, then the second way is simpler and more convenient. You can search through wechat. Feiyu quick check, query, and input information to find your own credit data, which comes from online lending platforms and UnionPay centers all over the country. Users can query their own big data and credit status, obtain various index data, and find their own personal credit status, blacklist, online lending application record, application platform type, overdue amount, arbitration cases, information of untrustworthy people and other important data information.