If you don't swipe your credit card, you have to borrow it. To be honest, relatives usually borrow money for weddings, weddings and funerals, and you can't refuse it. You don't have to pay it back. But I suggest you find out how much he swiped, and whether his salary can be borne. If you can't, you can apply for staging in advance. Call the customer service and say that you want to get married. The money is not enough. Let's add a temporary limit and stage it after swiping it. I'm married, too, but I have to tell you clearly how much I've brushed. You have a clue in your heart. It's normal for two people to get married with a little debt, so it's not a big deal. Anyway, don't think that the money he owes has nothing to do with you. As for the bride price returned from your mother's family, I suggest that you can't use it easily unless you have to. After my wife gives birth to a child, I can still bear the milk powder money. I'm most afraid that my family will get sick and the child will lose thousands at a time. This. It leads to mild depression. I suggest that since you are married, you should consider it for the future. Now, you should make a fixed deposit every month and make a good plan. If you are not sick, you should never use it.