Bank payment suspension means that the bank suspends the use of bank cards or credit cards. Generally speaking, payment stops are caused by risky transactions. Banks will also stop payments on your credit card when it is stolen to help you reduce your losses. When debit card transactions are abnormal, the bank will stop paying your bank card. When the bank stops payment, it restricts your right to use this card. For the time being, this card is unavailable. You can only use it normally after the restrictions are lifted. Therefore, payment stops are usually for a short period of time. And it’s not just banks that can stop payments. If you feel that your bank card has been stolen and you didn’t use it yourself, you can also apply to the bank to stop payments. In this way, the card will be temporarily unusable. After you eliminate the risk, you can apply to the bank to lift the stop payment. Stop payment means to stop payment.
Stop payment is generally used in banks. Stop payment in banks means stopping cash withdrawals or making transfers impossible. Payment can be divided into two situations, one is when the person with the bank card requests to stop payment, and the other is when the bank stops the payment for the person with the bank card. People who own bank cards request to stop payment because the bank card has been lost or has been stolen and they want to stop withdrawing the cash in the bank card. The bank pays the person who holds the bank card because the person holding the bank card has an overdue credit report. Bank card payment stop generally refers to credit card payment stop, which simply means that payment cannot be made.
The bank will monitor our credit card usage at any time, so the bank has the right to stop credit card payments to protect the safety of funds when it is found that we use the credit card illegally, are overdue, cash out, steal or have abnormalities abroad and elsewhere. When there are potential risks such as large-scale consumption. Of course, we can also apply to the bank to stop payment due to special personal circumstances such as loss or theft of the credit card.
Related to the payment stop: ban on off-cabinet transactions and freezes. The bank also issued a ban on off-the-counter transactions. This debit card can only be used for transactions over the counter. Banks can freeze debit or credit cards. A blocked credit card is difficult to use again. Since the debit card does not have an overdraft function, you can also provide proof of application for unfreezing after freezing. Then stopping the payment is the simplest operation for the bank. After a stop payment is made, the termination of the stop payment is not as complicated as a freeze. There are many scenarios where banks stop payments.
If your bank card is suspected of "money laundering" or "bill fraud" or if there is any illegal activity, the bank will usually freeze your bank card directly. But if there are only abnormal transactions, the bank will first stop paying the bank card. After you provide the certificate, lift the restriction. Credit card theft and overdue credit cards can also easily lead to stopped payments. The purpose is to reduce losses. The purpose of stopping payments due to theft is to reduce the losses of cardholders, and stopping payments of overdue credit cards is to reduce the losses of banks.