1. If you have been to the bank when applying for a credit card, you don't need to go when activating it
If the cardholder has already met with the bank's handling staff when applying for a credit card, the bank has also verified the personal identity documents face to face,
When applying for a credit card for the cardholder, I have also been photographed by the bank and entered into the system for preservation, which shows that the bank has verified the identity of the customer.
in this case, the bank doesn't need to meet the cardholder for the second time. After receiving the credit card, the cardholder should read the operation steps carefully.
According to the activation method given by the bank, you can activate it by phone or mobile banking APP, so you don't have to go to the bank again.
2. If you have never been to the bank when applying for a credit card, you need to go to the bank for a face-to-face interview.
If the cardholder applies for a credit card online, whether it is official website of the bank or Wechat Bank,
As long as it is operated online, he has never met anyone in the bank. After receiving the credit card, he must bring the credit card and valid identity documents to the bank outlet to activate it.
the activation process is not complicated, that is, the process of signing below is supplemented, and then the credit card can be used normally.
In short, banks should ensure that they can see the customer in person during the whole process of card opening, whether before or after receiving the card.
if you have seen it before opening the card, you don't have to see it again when you activate it; If you haven't seen it before opening the card, you must see it when you activate it.
Compared with ordinary bank savings cards, the most convenient way to use a credit card is to make ordinary consumption without cash in the card. In many cases, it is only necessary to return the amount of consumption on time.
_ You can overdraw your consumption without deposit, and you can enjoy an interest-free period of 2-56 days, and you can repay the interest on time without any charge (most banks will charge .5% interest on the day of cash withdrawal, and there is a 2% handling fee, while ICBC will charge no handling fee and only interest).
_ swiping your card when shopping is not only safe and convenient, but also a bonus gift.
_ special merchants who hold cards in banks can enjoy discounts.
_ accumulate personal credit, and add a credit record to your credit file, which will benefit you for life.