With the popularity of credit cards, many people have applied for credit cards. However, due to insufficient funds, credit cards have not been paid, resulting in a large number of overdue cases. However, credit cards can be stopped by installments. What are the conditions for credit card stop by installments?
credit card stop installment condition
1 beyond repayment ability
Only when the credit card bill really exceeds the cardholder's repayment ability can the cardholder apply for stop payment. If the cardholder still has the repayment ability, he can't apply for stopping the interest payment.
2. Willing to repay
Cardholders need to take the initiative to contact the bank to clarify the situation and negotiate before the final repayment date. If the cardholder has changed his contact information to avoid the bank's collection after the overdue period, the bank will not allow the cardholder to apply for suspension of payment.
3 There are reasonable reasons
The cardholder's failure is caused by some irresistible factors, not the cardholder's own failure to return it, and it is necessary to submit relevant information to the bank for proof.
It should be noted that credit card installment is subject to review. However, regardless of the review results, cardholders are untrustworthy customers, so when using credit cards, you must spend rationally and remember not to spend blindly.