Hello, if the phone number you received is 4007195555, this group is an outbound call business group of our center, (changed from 075526835999 to 4007195555 on November 15, 2010) selling insurance products by phone , currently selling related products of Cigna.
China Merchants Cigna Life Insurance Company is a Sino-foreign joint venture life insurance company headquartered in Shenzhen established by Cigna Group of the United States and China Merchants Group. Headquartered in Shenzhen, it is currently the only insurance company in China that uses financial institutions as partners and uses telephone sales and bank branch sales as its main sales channels without agent channels. Among them, it is the leader in the telemarketing channel.
In less than 7 years, Cigna has developed from a Sino-foreign joint venture life insurance company that ranked only 17th among 22 joint venture insurance companies when it first entered the Chinese market to a company with the largest growth. As a rapid enterprise, in terms of total premiums received in 2008, it now ranks 6th among foreign-funded insurance companies in the country, growing rapidly!
(If you have any other questions, please log in to China Merchants Bank’s “Online Customer Service” for consultation
(Website: /cmu/icslogin.aspx?from=Bamp; logincmu=0), we will We are here to serve you wholeheartedly! Thank you for your attention and support to China Merchants Bank! )