For many people who use credit cards, they often do not pay attention to their consumption habits, and they are likely to be locked up in a dark room by the bank. In the least, they cannot increase the limit, or in the worst case, the limit is reduced, and even affect their personal tax. letter. The editor below will introduce to you why you entered the Bank of Communications credit card black room?
As the bank with the strictest risk control, Bank of Communications is easily subject to bank risk control, and Bank of Communications has stricter requirements for credit lines above 50,000.
Little Black Room: The installment plan can only be divided into 3 or 6 installments. The 9th installment is under risk control and is still under observation (3-24 installments are normal high-quality customers, and 3-12 semi-high-quality customers). There is no temporary Quota. Daheiwu: It is not possible to raise the limit, and the application for a second card is rejected immediately. Bill installment and cash installment are not allowed. The installment prompt is that there is no installment qualification, which is not an account abnormality. Unable to participate in activities, it shows that it is a non-invited customer.
Several common reasons for being locked up in a black room:
1. If you cancel the card and save the card for free of annual fee within the validity period, you will be blacklisted and no credit increase will be allowed. Bank of Communications is easy to apply for a card, but difficult to cancel it. In order to retain customers, the customer service will offer methods such as waiving annual fees and points to persuade you to keep the card. After you agree, they will drag you into a dark room, which is equivalent to exchanging annual fees for the opportunity to increase your credit limit in the future. .
2. After the card is emptied and the bill comes out, the available limit is less than 0 due to the previous installment fee exceeding the limit.
3. Cancel the temporary quota provided by Bank of Communications.
4. The balance was reduced (online loan, minimum repayment, merchant code skipping, long-term empty card, overdue, one-time swiping, non-interval card swiping, fast in and fast out, etc.).
5. In the case of low rates, the possibility of wool being forcibly sold out or excessively sold out.
6. Change of telephone customer service unit information.
7. If the salesperson asks you to pay in installments, he has already doubted your ability to repay the loan. He will not conduct a manual review of your credit report in installments and enter a dark room in installments.
The customer service phone asked whether it was the person who used the card. The answer was that it was not the person who had the card blocked (whether it was an immediate family member or a couple). After the call was unblocked, the person entered the dark room.