After the bank evaluates your repayment ability, it will give you a sum of money that can be withdrawn with a brush and put it in a card. This kind of card is called credit card. The most important indicator of repayment ability is the stability of your salary income and the level of your salary.
However, it is generally not mandatory to apply for a credit card. Except for individual banks, there is no requirement to apply for credit cards, so don't worry that banks will not approve cards without credit cards. Under normal circumstances, as long as the applicant's personal credit, income ability, age and other comprehensive scores meet the conditions for issuing bank cards, the card will be approved.
However, most online cards need to be signed at the counter, so you need to bring your valid ID card, income certificate, work certificate and other materials. If you have real estate, automobile production and other assets, you can also bring them, which will help improve the pass rate of face-to-face signing.
Why do banks recommend savings cards?
Of course, when you go to the bank for an interview, the staff will also ask you if you have a savings card. You said it was impossible, so I asked you to get one. The purpose of doing this is to prepare for the follow-up business marketing, such as deposit, wealth management, fund consignment, precious metals and so on. , must be handled through a savings card.
If it is really unnecessary, you can politely refuse. Of course, it is not excluded that individual banks will be forced to bind and require a savings card. In this case, there is nothing you can do. There is nothing to lose by doing it, and it may cost tens of dollars in card fees.
There are also some people who are serious. If you don't want to apply for a savings card, you may complain to the bank about bundling consumption. This is not much to say.