Credit cards cannot be used by others. If you want to be held accountable, you have to bear a lot of responsibility. The bank issues you a credit card according to your credit, and you are responsible for your own credit.
I can give you a suggestion. For your reference, you can let him use your credit card. Without your knowledge, if he uses someone else's credit card, your responsibility will be less. Too much is improper storage.
You can also apply to the credit card center to transfer your credit card application, which should be kept permanently. At the end of the application, your signature will be considered by the bank as your only valid signature. By checking the inconsistency between this signature and the card signing form, you can basically legally conclude that you are not using this card yourself.
I wonder if your friend has used your cardo for a long time? You can explain to the bank that you lost your credit card. I'm not sure about the regulations of other banks. Our bank provides a full guarantee for the loss of your card. When your card is lost, the bank will be responsible for 50% of the transaction. Of course, there is a time limit. 、
In addition, you must pay back the money you owe, otherwise blacklisting you will affect your credit history for life. More than 50 thousand is also a lot. If not, you can explain your situation to the credit card center and apply for an extension.
If you owe more than 50 thousand, the minimum repayment will be more than 5 thousand. I wonder how your friend uses it.
Finally, I send you a word: cherish your credit record and enjoy a happy life.