, with minimum standards. The minimum repayment amount for a postal credit card will be stated on the credit card statement. The concept of minimum repayment is equivalent to showing the bank that you are not maliciously overdrafting and do not want to pay back the debt, but you are just temporarily unable to repay. Repaying the minimum payment will not harm your personal credit. Generally speaking, the minimum repayment amount for a postal credit card is a certain proportion of the accumulated unpaid consumption principal (10% for Postal Savings Bank), including all fees, interest, the amount owed in excess of the credit limit, the cash advance principal, and the previous bill. The sum of the outstanding portion of the minimum payment. The formula for calculating the minimum repayment amount of a postal credit card is as follows: the minimum repayment amount of a postal credit card = various fees and interests for the current period + the unpaid portion of the minimum repayment amount for the previous period + the cash advance balance for the current period + (the consumption balance for the current period + the unpaid balance for the previous period The minimum payment amount and the unpaid consumption balance)*10%