Hello, if your credit card can be used normally, the installment amount is your actual available amount. For example, your current actual available amount is RMB 3,000, and the amount of installment transactions you can handle does not exceed RMB 3,000. If it is impossible to apply for installment due to insufficient quota, the following methods are suggested: (1) Apply for increasing the fixed quota; (2) If the amount is insufficient, the installment transaction is completed by depositing the corresponding amount of money (that is, overpaying the installment); This requires manual application. (3) Pay part of the money to the merchants in cash or other ways to reduce the installment amount; (4) Call to apply for bill installment after one-time payment, but the bill installment requires corresponding handling fees. Whether the application is approved or not is subject to the comprehensive evaluation results of our bank.
Credit card installment payment cannot be modified after success. If you need to settle the installment payment in advance, please call our customer service hotline and manually transfer it for you. After the application is approved, the unpaid principal and handling fee will be settled in one lump sum, and the bill amount will be paid off in one lump sum if it appears in the next month's bill. (The business card has no installment business)