If you always make the minimum repayment, based on the minimum repayment of 10 yuan, you will need to repay it for 57 months.
The data is as follows! ! !
Interest on the minimum payment amount of the monthly bill
January 5600.00 560.00 0.00
February 5124.00 512.40 84.00
March 4688.46 468.85 76.86
April 4289.94 428.99 70.33
May 3925.30 392.53 64.35
June 3591.65 359.16 58.88
July 3286.328.64 53.87 < /p>August 3007.02 300.70 49.30
September 2751.42 275.14 45.11
October 2517.55 251.75 41.27
November 2303.56 230.36 37.76
December 2107.75 210.78 34.55
March 1928.60 192.86 31.62
November 1764.66 176.47 28.93
November 1614.67 161.47 26.47
< p>16 months 1477.42 147.74 24.2217 months 1351.84 135.18 22.16
18 months 1236.93 123.69 20.28
19 months 1131.79 113.18 18.55
20 months 1035.59 103.56 16.98
21 months 947.57 94.76 15.53
22 months 867.02 86.70 14.21
23 months 793.33 79.33 13.01
24 months 725.89 72.59 11.90
May 664.19 66.42 10.89
2607.74 60.77 9.9627556.08 55.61 9.12
28.81 50.88 50.88880.881 50.8888 8.3429 months 465.56 46.56 7.63
30 months 425.99 42.60 6.98
31 months 389.78 38.98 6.39
32 months 356.65 35.66 5.85 < /p>
33 months 326.33 32.63 5.35
34 months 298.60 29.86 4.90
35 months 273.22 27.32 4.48
36 months 249.99 25.00 4.10
37 months 228.74 22.87 3.75
38 months 209.30 20.93 3.43
39 months 191.51 19.15 3.14
40 months 175.23 17.52 2.87
< p>41 months 160.34 16.03 2.6342 months 146.71 14.67 2.41
43 months 134.24 13.42 2.20
44 months 122.83 12.28 2.01
45 months 112.39 11.24 1.
Month 46 102.83 10.28 1.69
Month 47 94.09 10.00 1.54
Month 48 85.50 10.00 1.41
Month 49 76.79 10.00 1.28 < /p>
May 50 67.94 10.00 1.15
May 51 58.96 10.00 1.02
May 52 49.84 10.00 0.88
May 53 40.59 10.00 0.75
May 54 31.20 10.00 0.61
May 55 21.67 10.00 0.47
May 56 11.99 10.00 0.33
May 57 2.17 10.00
Cumulative repayment: 6587.54
If you repay 1,000 per month, you need to repay it for 6 months
The data is as follows! ! !
Monthly bill repayment amount
January 5600 1000
February 4684.00 1000
March 3754.26 1000
April 2810.57 1000
May 1852.73 1000
June 880.52 880.52
Cumulative repayment: 5880.52
If installment , calculated in 12 periods
The data are as follows! ! !
Monthly repayment
January 869.87
February 466.67
March 466.67
April 466.67
May 466.67
June 466.67
July 466.67
August 466.67
September 466.67
October 466.67
November 466.67
December 466.67
Cumulative repayment: 6003.20
points You can give it to me! ! !