Personal income is the most important credit content for credit card applicants. If a person has a steady high income, giving money to Yin Hang will make you feel safe. You can get a higher credit card limit. When an individual applies for a credit card, he can ask the company to raise his salary level and supplement the company with extra cash, so that he can get a high credit card.
2) Education level and technical title.
In the bank-Hangzhou system, the higher the credit score, the higher the comprehensive score enjoyed by people with high academic qualifications than those with low academic qualifications.
3) Personal economic certificate.
If you have real estate, automobile products or savings, the more powerful you are, the higher the amount in your card.
4) marital status.
Married people have higher credit scores than unmarried people. Because Yin Hang thinks that married people are more responsible. At present, many bank loans can only be mortgaged if they get married. For example, the commercial loan of China Merchants Bank must be a married person.
5) Company strength.
The higher the company's popularity, the greater the enterprise's strength, and the higher the card quota compared with other small companies, because the feeling for Yin Hang is that you have stronger repayment ability.
In fact, there is no skill, although the quota is related to the above points. But those are the facts, and you can't change them. Please fill in truthfully.