Teach you a good method. Go to the bank and apply for a large long-term loan to clear your small credit card. Focus on paying back the sum quickly. If your credit report is poor. Do you have a room? You can apply for a consumer loan using your house mortgage. All can go ashore. It doesn’t matter if you have a bad asset credit report. What's important is whether you have a house and a car? There is no force or go home and confess
Never use loans to support loans. Using loans to support loans will only increase more and more. The only way is to force you to go ashore after the deadline, and then work hard to earn money to pay back
There are too many people in your situation right now! To be honest, there is no particularly good way. After all, it is money, and there is no direct way for you to get the money to pay it back at once. You can only CS silently! First of all, you have to answer the phone and communicate with the bank staff on the phone, hoping to negotiate installments and explain your situation. In fact, the bank just wants the money back, so try to say something nice so that the bank is willing to believe that you are sincerely paying back the money. , rather than deliberately not paying it back. After the communication is complete, try to find a job and try to pay back the money as soon as possible. If the bank is unwilling to communicate and threatens you or something like that, saying that a collection agent will come to your door and sue you, etc., don’t be afraid. Just tell the truth. That’s fine. There is no way, who told you to owe money! In other words, work hard to make money and pay back the money, and strive to get ashore as soon as possible.
I used to have three credit cards, using the card to maintain the card, plus various excessive purchases, plus once the epidemic broke out, I was without food for several months, and finally embarked on the road of going through all kinds of violent debt collection. All kinds of negotiations failed, and all kinds of pleas were made. I just found a way out. Now there is no penalty and no one is coming to collect [tears] It’s too difficult.
Answer: Make a table and make a budget for repaying the debt. How and how much should you repay? Make a budget and then discuss with the credit card company how to repay the money so that the benefits can be minimized and will not go beyond the limit. Roll more and more.
You are forced not to pay back even a dime.
Just calm down and save money
Wait for the bank to call you to negotiate the repayment of the principal
Pay it off in one lump sum.
If you really can’t pay it off, it’s recommended to overdue it directly. Put debt aside for now. Then work hard to improve your skills and reflect your self-worth. Once everything is done, nothing will be a problem.
I already owe 94 credits on my credit cards (Jiebei, Didi Finance, China Merchants Union Hao Fixed-Term Loan, Guangzhou Bank Cash Installment), mainly because I lost 156 credits on stocks this year. Basically, at this point, the interest It's not moving yet, there is hope as long as you are alive
Hello, all you have to do now is to stop using loans to support loans. First determine how much the current debt (principal and interest) is, and then integrate the funds currently available (the funds that can be used for repayment). Then negotiate with the bank to determine the installment plan and repay the loan on schedule. If you have any questions during this period, you can communicate with me. I hope I can help you.
Thanks to the official invitation [pray] for multiple cards, but they are still not available. Then there is no need to pay it back. You can concentrate on paying off one loan first.
Calm down for a moment and tally up the bills. At this time, don’t even think about such silly things as demolishing the east wall and repairing the west wall. Unless you can repay it all at once [呲呲]
First consider the amount, and then negotiate with the bank on how to repay. Choose the priority and repay in order. Large credit cards must be negotiated, and it is best to pay them off in the end. At this time, you must have proof of stable income and a positive attitude to face the bank. We also have to live happily. We only have to live happily for tens of thousands of days in this life. If you don't have a good credit score, you should consider taking out an online loan later. Repayment after two or three years will not be a problem. y[Prayer][Prayer] I hope you will get out of debt as soon as possible.