When buying a consumer card, you should understand its scope of use and rules, and at the same time pay attention to the reputation of the merchant. After all, the consumption card you bought can only be used in specific businesses. If the service provided later is not good, it will bring a bad experience and feel that you have spent money.
The best timely bank cards that users come into daily contact with are debit cards (savings cards) and credit cards, among which debit cards can only be applied through the bank counter, and there is no credit line, and deposits must be made before use. Credit cards can be applied through various channels, and there is a credit limit, which can be used first and then returned.
After the credit card is used, it cannot be returned within the time limit, because it will generate penalty interest and affect personal credit information. In fact, if the credit card can't repay on time or the minimum repayment amount, the monthly repayment amount can be reduced, and there will be no overdue situation, and it can be repaid in advance after installment.