If you use a credit card to spend, you can generally control it unlimited every day within the limit; Generally, the advance cash of a credit card does not exceed 50% of the customer's credit limit (cash withdrawal, cash transfer and cash sharing in installments), and does not exceed the current available credit limit of the card. According to the general classification of credit cards in banks, credit cards can be divided into ordinary cards, gold cards, platinum cards and unlimited cards, and the corresponding credit card quotas are also different. In general, the amount of the general card is between 1 0,000-10,000, which is suitable for ordinary wage earners; The amount of gold card is between 10000-50000, which requires the applicant to have certain economic strength; Platinum cards and unlimited cards are symbols of distinguished status. Generally, the limit is above 50,000, and there is no upper limit. The specific credit card limit needs to be evaluated and determined by the bank according to your comprehensive qualifications. Overdraft cash withdrawal and cash transfer do not enjoy interest-free repayment period. The daily withdrawal limit of each card in the counter channel is 20,000 yuan, and the daily withdrawal limit of each card in the self-service equipment (such as ATM) channel is 654.38+00,000 yuan. The cash transfer limit of counters, intelligent teller machines (STM), automatic teller machines, mobile banking and personal online banking channels is 20,000 yuan per card day and 50,000 yuan per card month. The actual amount that can be processed will also be affected by the card amount and usage. If you need to withdraw or transfer money beyond the limit, please go to the counter of CCB outlets.
The credit card limit is determined by the bank according to the applicant's credit status and the card level applied for, and generally follows the following standards:
1, ordinary credit card limit: 0- 1 ten thousand yuan; 2. Credit card gold card amount: 1, 000-50,000 yuan; 3. Platinum card and above: 50,000 and above. The specific amount is subject to the final approval of the bank. If you want to get a higher quota, you should provide as many financial certificates as possible to ensure good credit, and you should handle it at the door of the salesman or at the counter of the bank branch.
Generally speaking, the credit limit for applying for a credit card for the first time is about 3000 yuan to 10000 yuan. Don't be discouraged if the first credit line is low. You can improve your credit limit by keeping good card habits. If you use the card for more than one year and your credit record is good, the bank will increase your credit record, which is related to your income certificate and property certificate when you apply for the card. And you can also contact the bank customer service phone to temporarily increase the credit (overdraft) limit.