95338 is Jingdong Express. To get a refund, please contact JD.COM customer service at 95616 or 4-66-55, choose 1 or 527-88155. If you want to return the goods for a refund, first make clear the reasons why you want to return the goods for a refund, and then keep good evidence and chat records, and then provide them all to customer service.
JD.COM online payment and POS card payment order refund, if it involves bank information, JD.COM will handle the refund according to the regulations established by banks and related institutions. In order to ensure the safety of customer account amount, the original card will be returned.
as the source of payment for express payment is credit card payment, the order for express payment only supports the original refund, not the return to the balance. Orders paid by company transfer or cheque need to be confirmed with the customer service staff for company transfer. At present, JD.COM only supports returning to the company account originally paid by the customer.
The refund paid by JD.COM Card/JD.COM E Card cannot be directly converted into cash, and will be returned to the JD.COM Card/JD.COM E Card you paid in about 1 working day. If the refund amount is in 1 yuan or below, you can choose to refund the balance in JD.COM, and the time limit for refund will be immediately received. Due to the upgrade of the banking system, the credit card refund service does not support credit card refund.