CCB's credit card must be repaid on time after normal use, and there can be no overdue repayment, because there will be penalty interest after overdue repayment, and the longer it is delayed, the more penalty interest will be generated. If the credit card is overdue for a long time, the credit card may be frozen by the bank and users cannot continue to use it.
If you can't repay on time after using CCB credit card, users can take the initiative to call the bank credit card customer service hotline and then apply for installment repayment. However, certain conditions must be met when repayment is made in installments. For example, the minimum consumption amount of the current bill is 500 yuan RMB, and the maximum consumption amount does not exceed 90% of the total amount of RMB in the issued bill.
When using credit card to repay in installments, it should be noted that the withdrawal amount handled by credit card cannot be handled in installments, and the user must return it in one lump sum. When users apply for installment repayment, they can choose the number of installments according to their actual income to ensure that the repayment will not be overdue in the future.