Credit card limit is the maximum limit for overdraft consumption and cash withdrawal for cardholders according to the information and credit status provided by cardholders when applying. Available credit limit refers to the unused credit limit in your credit card. The available amount will decrease with each consumption, and will be restored accordingly with your repayment in each installment.
Puka: 1 0,000-10,000, where there is no gold card, you can get 50,000;
Gold card: 10000-50000, city cards only have gold cards, with a quota of 50000-50000;
Platinum card: 50,000 plus temporary quota. Basically, there are more than 60,000, and there are more than 200,000;
Unlimited card: Only platinum cards are invited to issue cards, saying that it is unlimited, but there is still a limit, just like platinum cards, 5W fixed amount+temporary limit.
For China Merchants Bank, to open a one-card gold card (including UnionPay gold card and UnionPay IC gold card) account in our bank, you need to bring your ID card to the counter of our bank for asset and application review. Account opening requirements and procedures are in accordance with the general one-card account opening regulations. In addition, China Merchants Bank under the name of your certificate is required to fully convert the "monthly average daily total assets" of last month into more than RMB 50,000 (inclusive). For new application or replacement of old card for UnionPay IC Gold Card, the fee will be reduced (except Xiamen Branch and Changsha Branch). You can get the card when the gold card is successfully opened.