Hello! I wonder how much money you owe on your credit card. Did you forget to pay back the money or can't pay it back in full? If you don't repay in full and on time, there will be some expenses such as interest and late fees, and then you will leave an overdue record on the credit report, which will have an impact on the time when you want to apply for a credit card, mortgage or car loan in the future. Thirdly, there will be a collection from the bank, which may affect your life and the life of your family. The bank may seal your card. Finally, when a certain amount and time are reached, the bank has the right to sue you for credit card fraud.
I suggest you pay it back on time every month if you have the ability, otherwise it will have a great influence on you. In the future, we should also pay attention to the rational use of credit cards according to our own income, avoid excessive debt, and pay attention to timely and full repayment.