When a negative credit card account balance appears, it does not mean that you owe money, but it may mean that you have overpaid. To put it simply, if your bill was originally $1, but you repaid $2, the extra $1 will be shown as a negative number. This negative balance actually reflects the remaining funds in your account, as opposed to the amount you owe.
A negative balance usually occurs when the cardholder has completed full or overpayment, and the bank system will automatically adjust and display a negative number to indicate that the account has a balance. If your bill shows a positive amount, that may mean you have an outstanding balance.
Many people may mistakenly think that a negative balance is a debt due, but it is actually part of the normal repayment process. It’s worth noting that if you have extra funds, this is called an overpayment, which can be used for your next repayment or spent directly on the card. However, the withdrawal fees for overpayments vary from bank to bank. Some banks are free of charge for local bank withdrawals, but some require payment of handling fees. Please refer to the bank's official regulations for specific fees. Overall, understanding these rules can help you manage your credit card balance more effectively.