1: Always use the Bank of Communications credit card. No matter how much it costs, as long as you can swipe your card, you will definitely spend it. You really need to swipe your card more, because the multi-card system will think that credit cards are your daily necessities;
2. It is best to generate bills and spend at least 30% of the total amount every month. That was not the case. With more credit cards, banks will indeed make more money. However, if your consumption does not match your income, the bank will think you are very risky;
3. Pay attention to the withdrawal time. It is most effective to apply on the accounting day or when the card has just been maxed out.
4. The bill for credit card consumption needs to last for 3 months without interruption, that is, there must be consumption every month. It has a great effect on the previous increase.
5. Put an end to the record of bad card use, repay on time, and repay the minimum repayment amount on time and pay interest if it cannot be repaid in full.