Hello, if you are a credit card of our bank, the normal operation of staying in a hotel is to swipe a deposit on the credit card first, and then deduct it directly from the deposit when you actually check out, thus releasing the remaining credit limit. However, at present, some hotels will swipe their cards twice, first swipe the deposit, and then swipe the checkout. The deposit will be cancelled later, so there is no need to pay the deposit (the deposit will not be shown on the bill for your repayment). The cancellation time of the deposit is long or short. If you think that occupying your credit limit may bring you inconvenience in using the credit card limit, you can promptly inform and remind the hotel to cancel it for you.
If in doubt, please add enterprise QQ customer service 4008205555 or WeChat to WeChat official account "China Merchants Bank Credit Card Center" for detailed consultation.