If you hold a visa single-label credit card, all credit cards of CCB now have automatic foreign exchange purchase function. No matter what currency you spend, you can automatically purchase foreign exchange and repay it directly in RMB.
Dual-currency cards are generally UnionPay +visa, UnionPay +master and UnionPay +JCB. These cards generally have RMB accounts and USD accounts, RMB accounts and Euro accounts. When you bring a visa, you can settle in foreign currency. However, CCB's standard platinum card and above have the function of automatic foreign exchange purchase. Even if it is settled in foreign currency, it can automatically purchase foreign exchange for you. The final bill will still be entered in RMB and can be repaid in RMB.
Visa credit card use
Visa provides a rich credit card product platform for its financial institution customers, which can meet all kinds of payment needs from new credit card customers to high-end consumers and large institutions.
Visa's credit card platform also provides value-added services such as personalized points reward system, emergency card replacement, travel assistance and car rental insurance, which can help card issuers improve customer loyalty and utilization.
Refer to the above? Baidu encyclopedia-visa