It will affect. Being delinquent on your credit card will cause problems with your credit report, and problems with your credit report will affect your ability to get a loan. If you want to use a credit card, you must first understand the rules of use. If you can accept it, then apply. If you cannot accept it, it is best not to apply. After all, credit cards are overdraft cards and not everyone can use them casually. Many staff who recommend you apply for a credit card only care about their own performance, regardless of your ability to pay the overdraft limit. Everyone wants you to get a credit card.
1. What is a credit card?
A credit card, also known as a credit card, is a bank card that allows overdraft. Every bank can handle it, and the amount ranges from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands. Some will match the overdraft limit based on your income, and some will match customers based on your needs regardless of your income. When applying for a credit card, you must first ask yourself why you want to apply for a credit card, what is the purpose of applying for a credit card, whether you have a regular income, and whether you have enough money to cover the overdraft when the credit card repayment date arrives. Find out all these issues before deciding whether to apply for a credit card. After all, an overdue credit card will affect your credit score. Looking for bank loans to buy a house or a car in the future will be affected.
Two. Advantages and Disadvantages of Credit Cards
Credit cards are very convenient to use and can alleviate the problem of insufficient funds for cardholders. You can also use your credit card points to redeem great gifts and special privileges. The disadvantages of credit cards are also very obvious. Charging higher interest rates may lead to excessive consumption or blind consumption. Once serious overdue records occur, it will affect personal credit. Credit cards are mainly used for the cardholder’s daily consumption and provide the cardholder with a certain limit.
Three. Credit card repayment date
Take CCB’s credit card as an example, the repayment date is the 25th of each month. The bill generation date is the 5th of each month, and the billing cycle is from the 5th of the previous month to the 5th of this month. There is a 20-day buffer period. After the bill is generated on the billing date, the outstanding balance must be paid before the 25th, otherwise it will affect the application.