1. Impact on personal credit report. Every time you apply for a credit card, it will leave traces on your personal credit report. The bank's inquiry about your credit report will be recorded in your credit report system. If you apply for credit cards frequently within a month and have too many credit inquiry records, the bank will think that your purpose of applying for the card is impure or that there is something wrong with your credit report, thereby increasing the chance of your card being rejected.
2. Frequent application for credit cards affects personal loans in a month. If the bank approves more cards, your debt ratio will also increase accordingly. If you want to apply for a car loan or housing loan again, in order to prevent risks, the bank will The loan amount will be reduced or the loan will be directly rejected. After all, your financial strength and repayment ability will be weakened as a result.
3. Multi-currency credit cards are more difficult. Multi-currency credit cards have one card corresponding to multiple currency accounts, and one account for each currency, which is also reflected in the credit report. In other words, it is easier to apply for a multi-currency credit card and mess up your personal credit report. How often will 2018 credit card application records be cleared? Frequent credit card applications may cause you to be rejected all the time. All in all, applying for credit cards frequently in a month will affect your credit score. A person can apply for no more than 3-5 credit cards, and do not apply in one month. If your card is rejected by the bank, you must wait at least 3 months before applying again.