No. You cannot use a credit card to repay a credit card, unless you withdraw it in cash and then pay it back, but this is not cost-effective because there are interest and handling fees.
Currently, Bank of Communications credit cards support counter repayment, self-service equipment repayment, Bank of Communications ATM card transfer repayment, other banks’ ATM card transfer repayment, bill repayment, Lakala repayment, Alipay repayment, Tenpay repayment, Kuaiqian repayment, Fuyou machine transfer repayment, Bank of Communications automatic repayment, inter-bank automatic repayment, Bank of Communications self-service repayment, inter-bank self-service repayment, automatic foreign exchange purchase and repayment on the bill day repayment, self-service foreign exchange purchase repayment of RMB surplus deposit, overseas remittance repayment, Bank of Communications debit card online banking transfer repayment, transfer repayment from other banks, automatic repayment while making money, self-service repayment while making money, WeChat wallet repayment Waiting for repayment method.
The current charging standards for cash advances (cash withdrawals within the credit limit):
(1) Interest: calculated from the bank accounting date to the day before the repayment is entered into the account The interest rate is a daily interest rate of floating interest rates ranging from 3.5/10,000 to 5/10,000, and compound interest is calculated on a monthly basis;
(2) Handling fee:
a. For cash withdrawals at domestic counters or self-service equipment, a handling fee of 1% of the transaction amount is charged, with a minimum of 10 yuan/transaction;
b. For overseas cash withdrawals through the UnionPay network, a handling fee of 12 yuan/transaction, plus 1% of the transaction amount , a minimum of 15 yuan/transaction;
c. For overseas cash withdrawals through the VISA/MasterCard network, a handling fee is charged based on 1% of the transaction amount, with a minimum of 5 US dollars/transaction.
Compound interest is also charged from 3.5% to 5% per day from the interest accrual until it is paid off.
Local counterparts do not charge handling fees for overflow deposit withdrawals. In different places, inter-bank handling fees are charged at 0.5%, with a minimum of 10 yuan per transaction.