For people who frequently use credit cards, if they use credit cards in advance without restraint, especially when it exceeds their personal repayment ability, it is easy to cause them to be unable to repay in time and the credit card will be overdue. So how to deal with insufficient credit card repayment capacity?
Ask for help from relatives and friends
If your family can't help, see if your relatives and friends can help. Don't feel embarrassed. Make it clear first before asking to borrow money, but don't hold onto other people's needs. The mentality of wanting to help forces others to borrow money. No one is obligated to provide help. The only thing that can lend money is based on love.
Choose the appropriate repayment method
Insufficient repayment ability does not mean that you have lost your repayment ability, but you may not be able to pay it off at once. According to the debt situation, you can choose installment or minimum repayment to ease the repayment pressure and avoid overdue payment. If you can't pay in a long time, choose installment, and if you can't pay in a month or two temporarily, choose the minimum repayment.
Negotiation of repayment suspension and interest suspension
This type of application is only suitable for overdue cardholders, and banks that are not overdue will rarely negotiate. First, call the card bank to transfer the application to manual customer service. If the bank agrees to negotiate, it will call back and put forward relevant requirements, such as asking to provide proof of insufficient repayment ability, including poverty certificate, income certificate, etc., and then go to the branch to sign the agreement.
Repay the loan with the help of family members
If you can't repay the loan yourself, but your family's conditions are not bad, it is recommended not to hide it, but to ask your parents or children for help, and pool the resources of the whole family. If you have the strength to pay off debts and solve the debt crisis, you may be blamed by your family, but compared to the fact that it is not overdue, it is still acceptable.