Applying for a bank card in the target country for studying abroad is something that every student studying abroad must do after arriving. The same is true for Ireland. Take a look at the bank account opening guide for international students today. How to apply for a bank card in Ireland?
1. Required materials
1. Basic materials
The first is the necessary identity materials. Since I have just arrived in Ireland, I have not yet obtained a formal residence certificate. , so just use your passport, just show a copy of your passport.
The second step is to prepare a letter of introduction, which is a bank letter issued by the school’s international student office. With this, you can apply for it without any fees, which is very convenient. Of course, everyone must be familiar with it in advance.
2. Additional materials
Of course, the above materials are not enough. You must also prepare some other supporting materials to prove that you are qualified to apply for a bank card. If so, For credit cards, you need to prepare more materials.
To open an account, the funds deposited in the bank card need to show the source of the funds; in addition, it is generally necessary to register the user on the official website of the bank; the last step is to fill in the application form in the bank and complete the personal information. Basic information.
2. Process
Generally, schools will provide assistance with account opening during the orientation week, so everyone must grasp the time, keep the reporting date in mind, and prepare all materials in advance Well, different majors have different opening hours, so everyone must understand it clearly.
First go to the school office to get a letter of introduction, then pack all the materials, go to the bank where you need to apply for a card, fill in the form, pay fees and submit materials according to the staff's instructions, and finally wait for the application. OK.