Many people care about the credit card limit. If their credit card limit is low, do you want to cancel it? On this issue, Xiaobian mainly analyzes it from three situations.
Is it necessary to cancel a credit card with a quota of 1,
1. There are only three credit cards
If you just apply for a credit card, especially the first credit card, don't even think about it. As long as you get off the card, don't cancel it regardless of the quota, but open a card to use and take good care of it.
because before the card, your credit investigation had no credit record. With a card, you can raise credit, and a credit card is the best tool to raise credit. You can increase your credit history by constantly filling in repayment records and using credit card records. This is good for both the withdrawal and the card processing.
2. There are already a lot of cards
This situation is also not suitable for cancellation, because the more cards, the more liabilities, and the more difficult it is to handle cards. If you finally get the next card and cancel it directly, it may be difficult to get down later.
3. There are many cards, and the amount has not been withdrawn for more than 6 months.
In this case, cancellation can be considered, because the overall amount is not large, and the number of cards should be reduced appropriately, but it depends on your own specific situation.
Because issuing cards by banks also requires costs, if you cancel your cards frequently, you will be suspected of malicious cancellation. It may be difficult to apply for a credit card later.
can I cancel my credit card with a low limit?
1. When your credit card limit is low and you choose to cancel it, you should also pay attention to your card holding situation. For example, if the card you apply for is the first card, it is best not to cancel it, because with the card, you can only maintain your credit. By using the card to improve your credit, it will be helpful for you to apply for a card in the future, otherwise you will suffer losses.
2. When you have more credit cards, if you have enough credit cards for your use, there is no problem for you to apply for cancellation. But if you still need a card, you should think about it when you cancel it. After all, there are too many cards, and your total credit line is also very high. It is difficult to apply for a card, and it is not easy to cancel it.
So, if your credit card limit is too low and you really don't want it, and it's not the first card, you can also choose to cancel it. However, it is recommended that you provide more proof of assets and financial resources when you apply for a card at the beginning, so that the credit card applied for will not be very low in general.