You will not go to jail for stock trading with credit cards. If you don't pay back the loan while stock trading, you will generally not go to jail. The bank will send people to call for the loan, and it will take a long time to pay off the previous loan. If the bank sues, it is likely to apply to the court to preserve property, such as real estate, cars, deposits, stocks, etc. If the assets are liquidated and the loan principal and loan collection fees cannot be fully returned, the bank can apply to deduct basic living expenses from salary income.
What are the consequences of non-payment of bank loans?
The consequences of non-payment of bank loans are as follows:
1. Overdue for more than 90 days, serious circumstances may be considered malicious If it is overdue, the bank's collection may also cause pressure on yourself and your family, affecting the normal life of individuals and families;
2. In terms of overdue fees, there will be some expenses such as liquidated damages, penalty interest, etc. The specific charges need to be charged according to the contract. Different institutions have different loan products, and the liquidated damages or penalty interest charged are different;
3. It will have an impact on personal credit records. A bad credit record will have a negative impact on the future. Mortgage, car loans and other loans, as well as the application of credit cards, have become obstacles.
Legal basis: Article 676 of the "People's Republic of China and Civil Code"
If the borrower fails to repay the loan within the agreed time limit, he shall be liable to the borrower in accordance with the agreement or the state. Relevant provisions require the payment of overdue interest.
Article 680
Lending at high interest rates is prohibited, and the interest rate for borrowing must not violate relevant state regulations.
If the loan contract does not stipulate the payment of interest, it will be deemed that there is no interest.
If the loan contract does not clearly stipulate the payment of interest, and the parties cannot reach a supplementary agreement, the interest shall be determined according to local or party transaction methods, transaction habits, market interest rates and other factors; if a loan is made between natural persons, it shall be deemed to have no interest. Interest.