When you apply for a credit card at the bank, the bank staff will check whether you apply for a card according to your ID card information. You must provide the original ID card of the applicant and sign it before you can apply for a credit card. Even if you apply for a credit card online, you need to go to the bank to sign it in person to prove that you need to apply for a credit card.
If you need to take photos or brush your face to expand information, you must not apply for a credit card unless you operate it yourself. ?
If you simply ask to fill in your own information, then others can use your mobile phone and your ID card to fill in the credit card application materials, and even check the information through a return visit from the bank credit card center.
However, credit cards applied through the Internet and mobile phones need to be activated through the bank's credit card processing specialist or at the bank counter. When activated, you need to bring your ID card. To activate a credit card, you need to check your ID card and take photos to keep it.
So even if someone else applies for a credit card with your mobile phone, you can't activate it, but you should also pay attention to protecting your mobile phone and ID card. If you find it lost, you should report the loss of your mobile phone number and ID card as soon as possible.
Baidu encyclopedia-credit card