1. Help lazy people settle accounts. Cash every month. By the end of the month, when you think about it carefully, you often can't remember where it was used and how much it was used. The credit card will give you a bill every month with the name of the merchant, the date of consumption and the amount of consumption, which can help you remember the purpose of the funds.
Credit card can synchronize expenditure with income. For example, you get a salary of 5438+05 every June. You can synchronize your salary with your credit card bill. For example, your billing date is the 7th, and the 27th of each month is the repayment date. Then 15 salary can be used for repayment. Many people think that credit card overdrafts should be paid back, but they can enjoy the interest-free period of the bank. Why give up this benefit? It was agreed to spend this month first and next month, so what's wrong with waiting for next month's salary?
For some people, it is the benefit of temporary turnover. For example, suppose you don't have much cash around, but now someone is temporarily ill and needs five small numbers for surgery. Generally speaking, people who manage money for a long time don't leave much cash. If you have a credit card, you can swipe it out immediately, and then you can raise enough money in 50 days at the longest. For short-term operators, 50 days has a lot of room.
Credit card is a trend. Nowadays, people buy things online, especially Haitao is becoming more and more fashionable, and they basically use credit cards for pre-authorization. If you book a travel route or room online, you need to use a credit card for pre-authorization even if Apple purchases app software. It's really inconvenient not to have a credit card with you.
6. There are many marketing activities. Many activities of CCB are very favorable. It used to be cheaper to book tourism products with CCB credit card. There have been many activities recently, and I have deducted some meals and a movie ticket of 5 yuan.
Disadvantages: It seems that there is no harm in using the card reasonably, but if you take advantage of many bank credit cards, you may make ends meet.