According to the requirements of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission, domestic investors participating in Southbound Trading are limited to institutional investors and individual investors with a total securities account and capital account balance of not less than 500,000 yuan. Before buying and selling Southbound Connect stocks, investors should sign a Southbound Securities Trading Entrustment Agreement with a mainland securities company and sign a risk disclosure letter, etc. In addition, individual investors must also meet the conditions related to the suitability management of Southbound Connect investors. If investors already have a Shanghai Stock Exchange RMB common stock account, they do not need to open a separate stock account.
1. The qualifications for opening an account are the same: Individuals and institutions opening a Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect account need more than 500,000 funds. General Hong Kong stock accounts: There are no fund restrictions, which is relatively convenient.
2. Investment target account opening: Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect is limited to 266 constituent stocks. General Hong Kong stock account: No investment target restrictions.
3. Investment quota account opening: Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect has an annual limit of 250 billion and a daily limit of 10.5 billion. General Hong Kong stock account: No investment limit limit.
4. Margin margin trading account opening: Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect cannot participate. General Hong Kong stock accounts: can participate.
5. International placement account opening: Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect cannot participate. General Hong Kong stock accounts: can participate.
Finally, bring your ID card and bank card to the sales department to handle the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect account opening fee.
According to the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect business guidelines, Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect stipulates that the account opening conditions are as follows:
1. Individual and institutional investment accounts require 500,000 yuan of capital.
2. Take the on-site examination at the sales department.
When Chen Bingqiang attended the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect media seminar on May 8, 2014, he also stated that Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect will hold participant promotion meetings from May to August and will require participants to submit letters of intent. Participants will be invited to conduct market exercises in September to ensure that the market is adequately prepared.
Chen Bingqiang pointed out that under the "Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect" mechanism, the total quota is 300 billion yuan, which is only about 1 compared to the market value of A-shares. It is not expected to cause major fluctuations in A-shares. However, in the event of extreme circumstances, the "Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect" mechanism can be suspended if necessary. However, he pointed out that the suspension of the "Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect" mechanism is the last line of defense and will only be used in extreme circumstances. If individual stocks are also involved in extreme operations, the trading channel can also be closed according to the current situation.
In terms of trading, Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect can only be traded in the secondary market. Under the current mechanism, quota utilization is based on the first-come, first-served principle. In addition, only buying orders are subject to quota monitoring. Investors are Sell ??orders can be entered at any time, regardless of quota level. In terms of holiday trading arrangements between the two places, if the Hong Kong market is not open on the payment settlement day, Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect will not be open for trading on the previous trading day.
The Hong Kong Stock Exchange stated that based on the progress of communication with banks in the two places, it will further enhance the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect model, hoping that in the future, investors in each market can fully conduct transactions according to the trading days of the other market.
(Data source: Baidu Encyclopedia: Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect)