Under normal circumstances, credit card installments can be repaid in advance, but users must first contact customer service to terminate the installment. If you do not apply to terminate the installment, the remaining balance of the installment will not be billed in one go. At this time, the card limit will still be occupied, which means that the money deposited is just like a deposit.
In addition, even if the installment is terminated early, handling fees for the remaining installments will still be charged, and the remaining unallocated handling fees will not be waived. For example, if you pay 1,000 per installment, 12 installments to 1,200 yuan, and you repay 1,200 yuan in one lump sum, the bank will only think that you have paid too much, and the rest is overpayment, and the bill will still be deducted per installment.
It is recommended that you cancel the installment payment first, and then repay it. Click to repay directly, but the specific requirements need to be based on the bank's regulations.