Aswell means: also; similarly; not as good as; in addition.
Aswell means: also; similarly; not as good as; in addition. The English meaning of aswell is Adverb: inaddition; "hehasaMercedes, too". The synonym of aswell is too.
1. English-English explanation click here to view the details of aswell
Adverb: inaddition; "hehasaMercedes, too"
2. Network explanation
1. Also: A credit card allows its holders to obtain automatic credit (purchase goods on credit) in stores, restaurants, hotels, locally, out of town, or even abroad, and at the same time (aswell) it allows them to get (make.) provided by the bank. ..available) Many services. More and more credit cards can be read automatically, so cardholders can deposit and withdraw money in scattered locations.
2. Likewise, also: allright Satisfactory; can|aswell the same, also, also|aswellas except...(also), that is...also
3. also, also: asusual as usual, as usual|aswell Also, and | aswellas besides..., both... and...
4. Also, in the same way, you might as well: aswellas both...and; except...|aswell also, similarly, might as well|aswell also, and
3. Examples
I sing songs that I compose and also play guitar.
The foreman hired more than ten people as masons.
4. Vocabulary collocations
aswellas is also, also, and, and one...just aswell fortunately aswellbehangedforasheepasalamb one does not do, two does not stop;...mayaswellas is the same as (do), ...itisjustaswell fortunately so aswellbehangedforasheepasforalamb do it all the time...mayaswell best...mightjustaswell it is indeedaswellasinname not just in name, but also in reality...mightaswell is still...good...aswellbehungforasheepasforalamb steal the big sheep anyway All have to be hanged...knowsomethingaswellasabeggarknowshisbag know everything clearly about something...aswellasnot anyway knowsomeoneaswellasabeggarknowshisbag know everything clearly about something...mayaswelldo might as well justaswell simply...forget it...aswellbehungforasheepasalamb steal big or small Sheep have to be hanged anyway... 5. Situational dialogue
Atthedentist's-(seeing a dentist)
aswell's translation
A: Ihave aterribletoothache.
I have a bad toothache.
B: Which tooth?
Which tooth?
A: (Pointing)This one here.
(Pointing) This one here.
B: Ah, yes. There’s sabigcavity.
Ah, yes. There is a big hole.
A: Can you fill it?
Can you fill it?
B: I’mafraidnot.Thetoothistoofargone.It’llhavetobetakenout.
I’m afraid not. It's so bad. Had to unplug it.
A: ThenImightaswellhaveitoutnow.
It’s better to pull it out now.
aswell’s translation
B: You’dbetterwait.Thegumsareswollen.TakethemedicineIprescribeandcomebackinthreedays.
Let’s wait. The gums are swollen. Take the medicine I prescribe for you and come back in three days.
A: Well, I've looked over your resume, Mr. Peepers.
Oh, I've looked at your resume, Pi Mr. Burse.
B: Please, callmeTed.
Please call me Ted.
A: Well, Ted, this is very impressive. However, we have several other applications before we can make a final decision. We'll call you by Friday, if that's all right.
We have several other candidates to interview before we make a final decision. If possible, we will call you no later than Friday.B: That’s no problem.
A: Do you have any other questions?
Do you have any other questions?
What does aswell mean?
B: Well, what kind of salary do you provide?
Oh, what kind of salary package does your company provide?
A: Salary is based on experience as well as * times pent with our company.
Salary is based on experience and the length of working hours.
B: Isee.
I understand.
A: Salarycanbenegotiatedonceweofficiallyofferyouthejob.
If formally employed, the salary can be further discussed.
B: Soundsfine.
Health and Fitness
A: Idon’tknowwhattodo!I’vebeendietingformonthsandIjustcan’tseemtoloseanyweight!
I don’t know what to do! I have been on a diet for several months.
Can’t seem to lose weight yet!
B: Are you doing any exercise?
Are you doing any exercise?
A: No, if I exercise, I get hungry, and then I endupeating too much.
No, if I exercise I will feel hungry, and as a result I will eat more.
aswell's translation
B: I think that might be your problem.
I think that might be your problem.
A: Really? Why?
Really? Why?
B: Well, if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to exercise as well as watch what you eat. If you don’t teatenough, your body will start going into starvation mode.
Well, if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to exercise in addition to watching your diet. If you don't eat enough, your body will start to starve.
A: So, whatdoyouthinkIshoulddo?
So what do you think I should do?
B: You should make sure you eat at least three meals a day. A daily diet that includes dairy products, fruits, vegetables, meat or fish, and carbohydrates like bread and pasta.
A: But I heard that if you just eat fruits and vegetables, you would lose weight quickly.
But I heard that if you just eat fruits and vegetables, you will lose weight quickly.
B: You might at first, but then you’ll get thungry and tired and you won’t be able to domuch.
This is just in the beginning, and then you will feel hungry, tired, and then you can’t do much.
A: Maybe you’reright.Ihavebeenhungryandtired--andgrumpylately?
Maybe you are right, I feel hungry, tired and have a bad temper recently!
6. Word meaning analysis
The words also, too, aswell, either, likewise all contain the meaning of "ye". Also is more formal than too, with a heavier tone. It is only used in affirmative sentences, usually close to the verb. Too has a lighter tone and is mostly used in spoken language. It is used in affirmative sentences, usually at the end of the sentence. Aswell generally does not use negative sentences and is usually placed at the end of the sentence. It can be placed in the middle of the sentence when it is emphasized. Either is used in a negative sentence and is placed at the end of the sentence with a comma before it. Likewise is a written word.
Relevant synonyms of aswell
too, either, also, besides, likewise, then, yet, over, moreover, aswellas
Related synonyms of aswell
as , Asna
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