If you receive a letter from a lawyer, first think about whether you owe a credit card loan. If it is true, it must be repaid in time. Credit cards overdue for more than three months will generally receive a letter from a lawyer. At this time, we must negotiate first and pay back the money as soon as possible. What if more credit cards receive lawyer's letters after the deadline? Bian Xiao has compiled the following knowledge for you. 1. What should I do if my credit card receives the lawyer's letter 1 after the deadline? Confirm the authenticity of the lawyer's letter first. 2. If the arrears are true, you must repay them in time. Generally, if the credit card is overdue for more than three months, you will receive a lawyer's letter, which indicates that the bank may sue you. If you have the ability to repay, then try to repay. (1) If you are unable to repay the loan temporarily, you can contact the defaulting bank for negotiation. (2) If the bank brings a civil lawsuit to the court, the court should decide whether to accept it within 7 days from the date of receiving the litigation materials, and it is recommended to find a professional lawyer to prepare for responding. Second, what are the consequences of credit card loans? 1. If the debtor refuses to repay, it is likely to be sued by the creditor; 2. If the creditor files a lawsuit with the court and obtains a successful judgment, but the debtor still fails to perform, the creditor may apply for enforcement, and the court will take enforcement measures against the debtor to realize the creditor's rights. Third, what is the use of a lawyer's letter? 1, the lawyer's letter can recover the creditor's rights such as the payment owed by the commission in a convenient way. 2. Before filing a lawsuit or applying for arbitration, sending a letter through a lawyer can delay the limitation of action. 3. A letter from a lawyer can clarify the facts and stop illegal infringement. 4. Perform other statutory notification obligations with the lawyer's letter. 5. Notify to terminate the contract. 6. Reach an out-of-court settlement agreement. If you have any relevant legal questions, please click the consultation button below and find a local professional lawyer to answer them for you.
Legal objectivity:
Measures for the supervision and administration of credit card business of commercial banks Article 66 The card-issuing bank shall establish a management system for credit card arrears collection, standardize the credit card collection strategy, authority, procedures and methods, and effectively control business risks. The issuing bank shall not adopt a single assessment method based on the amount of arrears recovered for the collection personnel.