As a convenient payment tool, credit card has become an indispensable part of modern people's life. Nowadays, simply approving and obtaining credit cards no longer seems to be able to meet everyone's consumption needs. The pursuit of credit cards with higher limits has become common knowledge among friends. Since there is often interest competition between banks, if you choose to go to a bank to apply for a card, the bank will often approve you a credit card with a higher limit in order to retain users. Speaking of which, there must be many friends who want to know the conditions and requirements for applying for a credit card. Come and take a look!
What is applying for a credit card by card? It actually refers to applying for a credit card on the basis of an existing credit card. So what conditions need to be met to apply for a credit card? We need specific treatment by specific banks. Under normal circumstances, cardholders need to meet the following conditions:
1. The applicant must hold a credit card from a certain bank for more than 6 months (some banks The requirement is 1 year), there should be no bad records during the period of using the credit card, and the consumption and repayment status must be good.
2. The cardholder’s current credit card limit must be greater than 5,000 yuan. If you can provide additional proof of personal financial resources when applying, such as real estate certification documents, motor vehicle travel history, bank statements, etc. , you can get a higher credit limit.
But one thing to note is that not all banks now support card processing. Five state-owned banks, such as ICBC, Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, China Merchants Bank and Postal Savings Bank, have their own set of policies. Internal scoring standards, so card application is not supported for the time being. Minsheng, Industrial Bank, Hua Xia, Communications, China Everbright, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, and China CITIC Bank not only support card applications, but also provide generous credit limits, which are often higher than your first credit card.
In short, as long as you spend a lot of money when using credit cards, maintain your personal credit record, and do not make late repayments, you can then apply for a large credit card with a card. It should be noted that each bank's application conditions and approval standards may be different. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct multiple comparisons and read the relevant terms and conditions carefully when choosing a credit card.