Student credit cards generally have no limit, and you cannot consume first and then settle the bill on the monthly repayment date like a general credit card. You can only use a student credit card as a savings card, deposit cash in advance, and then use the card to make purchases. The limit is the amount of money you deposited in advance. You can activate your quota after you graduate. This is mainly to prevent students from irrational consumption, and also to prevent students from falling into the dilemma of not being able to make ends meet with small loans.
There are many banks that provide student credit cards, such as China Construction Bank, China Merchants Bank, Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, etc.
China Merchants Bank now has Honor of Kings Campus Edition and Young Card Campus Edition credit cards, which are targeted at college students. As long as they are over 18 years old, students from mainland China who can be checked on can apply. A credit card with a zero limit will be issued first. During this period, credit consumption is not allowed, but there is a graduation card transfer function, which is very suitable for students who are about to graduate in their junior or senior years. To apply for a card transfer after graduation, you must first show graduation on, and you must be affiliated with a company.
China Construction Bank currently has campus versions of Joy, LineFriends, and QQ Music co-branded credit cards. The application page of China Construction Bank recommends students who are in their first year of college or above to apply. The requirement is that you must be 18 years or older to check your student status on A credit card with almost zero limit is also issued. If the credit limit is required, parents must accompany them to a CCB outlet to sign the relevant contract. This is mainly due to the issue of the second repayment source.
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China currently has a campus version of its Universe Constellation Card. This is a set of cards, including VISA and UnionPay. VISA can be used for cross-border shopping, and UnionPay cards can be used domestically. This card is also issued with 0 limit. If you need the limit, your parents must sign a limit increase letter and then go to the local ICBC branch. However, since many bank branches do not understand this business very well, it is basically useless. As far as I know, some friends in Beijing have been unable to successfully apply for credit limit activation, so students who want credit limit are not recommended to apply for an ICBC card.