1, you can try to pay by credit card or spend a lot of money, so that your economic strength will be well proved;
2. After several months of continuous consumption, the bank will automatically increase the available quota for you according to your consumption records. Once the credit limit is raised, you can use it for a period of time. In about three months, you can apply to the bank again and gradually increase the credit limit.
3. You can also take the initiative to submit the corresponding asset income certificate and asset income certificate to the bank. If your income is high, the higher the possibility of your application being approved;
You need to repay in full and on time every month. Don't pay late. Once the repayment is not timely, it will also bear the interest outside the interest-free period. If this fails to increase the credit limit, there may be a stain on the credit record;
5. If there is a large consumer demand, you can temporarily ask the bank for a temporary increase, and the general period is one month. After the cardholder requests to increase the credit line, the bank will determine the final increase range by reviewing the cardholder's consumption demand and past card use records.