There are too many credit cards. As long as it is used normally, there is no overdue phenomenon and the repayment is normal, it will generally not affect the loan. Information that individuals need to provide when applying for bank loans: ① loan application; (2) The original and photocopy of the husband and wife's ID card (personal ID card), household registration book and marriage certificate; (3) The co-owner of the property agrees to the loan; (4) information such as husband and wife's occupation (individual occupation), income certificate and family property status (work certificate, bank account, property right certificate, vehicle driving license, etc.). ); ⑤ Certificate of fixed place (real estate license and water, electricity, gas and other documents in the last three months); ⑥ Loan contract.
Will too many credit card (debit card) applications affect loans?
Too many credit card (debit card) applications will affect loans. For example, users frequently apply for credit cards (credit cards) in a short period of time, and there will be a large number of inquiry records in the credit report. When applying for a loan, the lending institution will think that the user has applied for a large number of credit cards (debit cards) in a short time, because it will refuse the user's loan application without ensuring whether the user has the repayment ability.
Having multiple credit cards (debit cards) at the same time will increase the possibility of overdue. Once there are too many overdue records, it will also affect the handling of various credit loan businesses in the future.
Will more credit cards (debit cards) affect loans?
Too many credit cards (debit cards) will affect the loan application. Credit card (debit card) also represents the debt situation, even if each installment is repaid on time and there is no overdue record. The bank will calculate the debt ratio according to the amount of multiple credit cards (debit cards). When the debt ratio is too high, it will affect the loan application. If the record is overdue many times, the impact will be even greater. Banks have strict risk control over users with poor credit information, and there is a great chance that they will be rejected when applying for loans.
This is the end of the introduction about whether too many credit cards will affect loans and whether loans will affect handling credit cards. I wonder if you have found the information you need?