When applying for a credit card, a real estate certificate is not necessarily a necessity. The need to provide a real estate certificate is only a necessary condition for some banks. \x0d\For example:\x0d\The information a bank needs to submit when applying for a credit card:\x0d\1. Identity documents: It accepts primary card applications from people aged 18-65 and supplementary card applications from people over 16 years old. \x0d\* If you are a domestic resident: you need to provide a copy of your resident ID card or temporary resident ID card (both sides, within the validity period), or a copy of your military officer's ID card\x0d\* If you are a foreigner: you need to provide (1 ) Valid passport (2) A copy of the "Foreigner's Residence Permit" or a copy of the "Foreigner's Residence Permit" attached to the visa page of the valid passport or a copy of the "Foreigner's Permanent Residence Permit". \x0d\* If you are from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan: You need to provide a copy of the "Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents" or the "Return Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Compatriots" or the "Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents". \x0d\2. Proof of fixed residential address (you can choose any of the following items)* Copy of household registration card (book)* Water, electricity and gas bill for the last three installments* Landline phone bill for the last three installments* Unit Proof of collective dormitory issued* House rental contract (agreement)* Proof of self-owned property* Residential property management fee payment receipt* Proof of address issued by the street* Credit card monthly statements for the last two periods or personal income tax payment certificate for the last three months* Other supporting documents that can prove that they have a fixed residential address\x0d\3. Documents proving financial resources (you can choose any of the following)\x0d\* Official salary slips for the past three months issued by government agencies or enterprises or Proof of income (need to be stamped with company seal or department seal)\x0d\* Copy of bank book/bill for salary payment (need to show salary entry information for the last three months)\x0d\* Personal income tax payment certificate for the last three months Copies\x0d\* Copies of social insurance withholding vouchers\x0d\* Copies of self-owned property certificates\x0d\* Copies of bank time and current deposit slips/passbooks\x0d\* Copies of purchase receipts for funds, treasury bonds, and corporate bonds Copies (need to show the purchaser’s name, account number and account balance)\x0d\* Copies of membership cards, including: golf club membership card, China* Mobile, China* Tong VIP card,* AirlineMiles platinum card, gold card, silver membership card, Nan* Pearl Card gold card, silver membership card, Dong* Miles Club gold card, silver membership card (name and card validity period need to be displayed), etc. Please provide the company\x0d\* long* official business Card company application form\x0d\* Original and copy of organization code certificate (copy)\x0d\* Original and copy of annual inspection business license (copy)\x0d\* Original or copy of other documents required by the * Bank Employees are required to provide \x0d\* Long* Business Card Employee Application Form\x0d\* Copy of Identity Certificate\x0d\* Copy of Work Certificate Notes for Applying for Supplementary Card You can apply for immediate family members (including children, spouses) who are over 16 years old , parents) to apply for an additional card. \x0d\The information required includes the supplementary card applicant’s ID card certification document and a copy of the household registration book.