If you have never applied for a credit card online, at a salesperson on the street, or at a bank branch, but you receive a credit card from a bank, there are generally two possibilities:
1. Identity information has been leaked
For example, criminals can use your ID card information to apply for other people's credit cards. This is related to the bank's lax control over the credit card review process. Once activated, you can use it, but criminals can steal your credit card at any time, causing you to suffer huge losses. It is recommended that after receiving the real card, call the bank directly to check. If the real card is indeed issued, go to the bank branch to cancel it.
2. The credit card is fake
Criminals use your confusion to defraud money. Such criminal cases often occur, and often the other party will ask for fraud through remittances, payment, etc. If you find a forged credit card, it is recommended to call the police.