2. swipe your card frequently. Pay it back often, if you have money. The purpose of this is to increase the efficiency of capital turnover and improve the utilization rate of funds. The higher the frequency of swiping and withdrawing cards, the more banks like it, which not only ensures the safety of funds, but also makes money.
3, often brush a small amount. POS machines with points are preferred, and banks can make money. At present, the profit of POS machines is divided as follows: issuer 7, acquirer 2, UnionPay 1. Those with points are not capped, and those without points can't make money.
4. installment payment/withdrawal. Do it in installments every two months, and the number of installments should not be too long, or withdraw cash at least twice a month, and the bank will earn some interest.
5. Seize every opportunity to brush every day. Regardless of size. Credit card amount, credit card frequency, consumption type, repayment record, credit card contribution value? These are all factors for the bank computer system to review cardholders.
6. Participate in some preferential points activities organized by the issuing bank. Let the bank know that I care about you!
7. It is very effective to raise the amount in US dollars, especially CCB, which is the most popular.