Everyone must know that credit cards can only be used by the cardholder, but in life there are still many people who lend their credit cards to others for overdrafts. It would be okay if the other party helped pay off the debt, but If someone else fails to repay the loan, disputes will easily arise. If someone lends his or her credit card to an overdraft, who will bear the legal responsibility?
According to the regulations of the International Credit Card Organization and the People's Bank of China, credit cards and their billing accounts can only be used by the cardholder approved by the card issuer, and may not be rented or lent to others. If you lend your credit card to others, it is a crime of obstructing credit card management. It can be seen that the credit card can only be used by the cardholder himself and cannot be lent to others.
Lending your credit card to others generally violates the regulations on the use of credit cards. If you lend your credit card to a third party, any liability incurred will be borne by the cardholder personally. , the bank will not assume any responsibility, so generally do not lend your credit card to others.
Lending a credit card to others carries a relatively high risk for the cardholder. Once you actively provide your credit card to others, you will need to hold the card for any debts caused by malicious overdrafts by others. The credit card must be repaid by the person himself, and if the credit card is lost or stolen while the credit card is being lent to others, you will not be able to enjoy the bank's card loss protection and other services.
If a credit card is overdue, the cardholder must bear the consequences of the overdue payment. Usually, an overdue credit card will cause the following adverse consequences:
1. Overdue fees. When a credit card is overdue, the bank will charge overdue fees to the cardholder. The longer the overdue period is, the more overdue interest will be generated;
2. Bad credit. Credit card overdue records will be uploaded to the central bank's credit reporting system. If an individual's credit reporting is poor, subsequent credit business transactions will be affected.
3. Sued by the bank. If the borrower's overdue amount is relatively large and the overdue time is relatively long, the bank may recover the debt through legal channels. According to relevant legal provisions, if the overdue amount of a credit card reaches 50,000 yuan, it may be suspected of malicious overdraft. Once the court If it is determined that the cardholder's malicious overdraft behavior is true, the overdue user may bear legal liability.
In general, the application of a credit card will be approved based on the credit of the person applying, so the credit card cannot be transferred to others for use at will. If you lend the credit card to others, then the other party will Illegal activities using a credit card will also implicate the actual card owner.
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