A simple understanding of a loan is to borrow money with interest. Loan is a form of credit activity in which banks or other financial institutions lend monetary funds at a certain interest rate and must return them. Loans in a broad sense refer to loans, discounts, overdrafts and other borrowing funds. Banks put concentrated money and monetary funds out in the form of loans, which can meet the needs of social expansion and reproduction and promote economic development. At the same time, banks can also obtain loan interest income and increase their own accumulation.
More formal online lending platforms include Alipay, Microfinance, 360, Huaxia Longshang Loan and Jingdong Finance. Major banks have also opened some credit loans, such as Ping An Bank and China Merchants Bank.
1. Alipay's loan entrance includes Lending Bao, Flower Garden (by stages) and online merchant bank. The amount and interest rate vary from person to person, depending on the credit you have established in Ali system. Use Alipay more, go shopping in Taobao Tmall more, and the quota will gradually increase. Online merchant banks are mainly for small merchants such as online stores. The flower garden is actually a loan entrance, because it can be used in installments, and the installment interest rate is basically the same as borrowing flowers. Some merchants can directly brush flowers for free and return them next month, which is equivalent to using them for one month for free. Alipay repayment is the most flexible, and the amount can be recycled. Early repayment can also be part of each installment.
2. The amount of small loans can also be recycled, but if you repay in advance, each loan must be repaid in full, so it is recommended to split it into small loans and multiple loans.
3. Major banks have also opened some credit loan channels, such as China Merchants Bank's Zhaolian Finance, Ping An Bank's Ping An Good Loan, Bank of Communications's Credit Card Good Loan and so on.
4. Huaxia Longsheng Commercial Loan, with a basic line of 40,000 yuan, is for self-employed, but no business license is required, and the annual interest rate plus handling fee is about 16%.
5. Jingdong Finance, with a low quota, currently plays an intermediary role.