Yes, after applying for installment repayment with your credit card, you can choose to repay it in advance and pay it off in one go.
Credit cards generally have a three-day grace period after the repayment date, and repayment within the grace period is deemed to be repayment on time;
If paid in full, no fees will be incurred;
If the repayment amount is less than the minimum repayment stipulated by the bank, it will be regarded as overdue, and the interest will be 0.05. In addition, a late fee of 5% of the unpaid portion of the minimum repayment amount will be charged;
Repayment If the amount is greater than or equal to the minimum repayment but less than the full repayment, interest will be paid at 0.05%.
Benefits of credit cards:
You can earn points by swiping credit cards, and you can redeem gifts or airline miles by earning a certain amount of points;
Some credit cards are used in some Local consumption can be discounted. For example, the ICBC credit card will regularly postpone the store information that can be discounted;
If you cannot meet the temporary capital turnover, using a credit card is equivalent to a small interest-free loan, as long as you repay it in the end There is no need to pay interest if you repay the loan on time.