Credit cards can be swiped at any time, but if it is to maintain the card, the best time to swipe the card at night is between six o'clock and 10 o'clock in the evening, which is also the most concentrated consumption time.
Credit card cash-out time period and card swiping matters:
1. It is strictly prohibited for people's livelihood or capped merchants to swipe large amounts of credit cards after 8 p.m.
2. It is strictly prohibited to check the transaction balance repeatedly on the same machine and then swipe the card. The bank will think that you must be cashing out, especially for large amounts. Therefore, it is strictly prohibited to try and swipe the card repeatedly if the password is incorrect for more than 2 times. Especially at night, the suspicion of counterfeit cards is particularly high.
3. Those with a 1.25 fee rate will not be frozen as long as they do not repeatedly check the balance or repeatedly try to use wrong passwords.
4. For nights with a 0.78 rate, as long as the amount is not extremely large, such as more than 23,400, it will not be frozen.
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