Check your personal credit before you apply for a card. If the personal credit record is good, it is not overdue, and there is a card on the personal credit report, it is easier to apply for a credit card online. If there is a record of overdue before, it is best to repay the loan on time within two years before applying, because the bank will investigate the repayment record of the applicant in the past two years when examining and approving. If you find a bad personal credit record, you should maintain your credit status before you apply for a card.
2. Fill in the information truthfully and completely.
When applying for a credit card online, the bank can only decide whether to issue a card through the information filled in by the applicant. It is particularly important to fill in the credit card application materials truthfully and completely. Some applicants only fill in basic information and ignore optional information. Only when the applicant fills in complete information can the bank better understand your work status, stability and authenticity. Therefore, when you apply for a credit card online, you must fill in the information truly and completely, so that the bank can know more about your situation.
3, several skills to fill in the application form
Please pay attention to the following points when applying for a credit card online and filling out the application form:
1) Income: The higher the salary, the better, but it must be realistic. Remember to add up the room supplement, meal supplement and bonus, and fill in the annual income plus the year-end bonus;
2) Job description: The job title should be as complete as possible, and the word "employee" should be avoided as much as possible;
3) Marital status: Married score is higher than unmarried.
4) Card application: If you already have other credit cards, be sure to write them down. Good credit card usage records are very helpful for handling cards; In addition, the probability of the credit card of the bank to which the salary card belongs will be greater;
5) Contact information: Please fill in the landline as far as possible for the company phone number and home phone number to show the stability of work and residence;
6) Housing situation: If you have a house, you must upload relevant certificates to show your economic strength;
7) Car production: If you have a car, you should also write it down to prove your repayment ability;
8) Other economic conditions: it is best to have time deposits and bank financing;
9) Introducers: Please ask senior cardholders (with good credit) who already hold our credit card to help introduce the club and increase the success rate of card application.
4. Don't miss calling back.
After filling out the online application materials, the bank will call back to verify the authenticity of the materials. Don't miss the bank phone number after handling the card.